Hello lovelies!
It's been several months since I posted anything because life as it usually does, got in the way of things. A lot has been happening behind the scenes, among other things, I got a new job I am passionate about, a new man and formed new friendships with some wonderful people.
I also turned THIRTY!! I'm only making a big deal out out of it because everyone else is, to be honest. However, I'm slowly starting to comprehend why, perhaps because life is much clearer than before. It dawned on me that the years combined with the pain of losing Jackpott stripped away some of my sense of self & my quirk. I am now more intentional with my relationships both platonic & romantic, conscious of what I allow in my space and more aware of who I am.
Don't get me wrong, all this did not happen overnight. All the 20s experiences eventually culminated into these realisations.

 This dress was a wonderful thrift find months ago.
  Brogues have always been a staple in my wardrobe. These flatforms are from The Fix two years ago.
A friend got me this Bvlgari look alike bag last year. I love that goes with everything.
Mum bought me the ring & necklace during a phase where I found owls fascinating.