Hello guys! I recently undid my faux dreadlocks and now I can't decide what to do to my hair. I tried to texlax it but it ended up relaxed because of how fine it is(I might have kept the relaxer in too long too)and longer than I expected which has stopped me from doing the purple tapered TWA I wanted to try. Anyway, I bleached it and I'm styling it or covering it up depending on my mood until I figure it out.
Enough about my hair.  This particular set of garments was inspired by the current hair.
The ZamGal vest was a Tshirt I won at the #LusakaSocialMediaDay last year,it was too large so I cut off the sleeves.
The jeans are  MrP
Backpack: MrP
Sunglasses; JayJays
Shoes; American cup